Saturday, March 28, 2009



from yesterday training!! And it was a TOUGH one..(i think so) Because I usually didn't do a lot of exercise.Today I had a rough day and I rarely can talk since I had a serious case of sore throat T__T...

Our group will going to perform few scenes of Romeo and Juliet next Friday. And the problem is someone in our group gave us the feeling that he/she didn't have the will to participate in the drama and didn't give us their cooperation. *Sigh* And this slow down our progression. We need to find out some time for our rehearsal, if not we will be dead meat. But this is life, you'll meet all kinds of people whether you like it or not. So I should try to accept and try to make out of something. = / 

Tomorrow night will be Earth Hour!! From 8.30pm-9.30pm everyone is encourage to switch off their lights no matter why they are situated. Hope that together we can make a difference.

I'll be having an appointment tomorrow with my personal trainer again. And I'm so CLEVER. NOT!!!!! I made the appointment at 9am. OMG, I need to wake up at 8am during Saturday to go to do some exercise , that's so torturing T__T Tomorrow will meet up with Shely and Veronica to do some Math revision for the Mid-term exam which in 2 weeks time.. @_@

Wooo!!! This Sunday will be Hillsong Live Album Recording Concert @ Sydney Entertainment Centre and the tickets had been sold out. It will be a phenomena scene, few campus gather together to praise the Lord!! Hopefully my sore throat will feel better by that time. I will grab some photos for you guys~ =P

So that's all from me by now. Enjoy your weekend! XD

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